In Memory of Kanzi


Kanzi means so much to so many people. Our team is absolutely devastated by Kanzi’s passing. A favorite among his bonobo family members, Kanzi was a friend to everyone. We are focused on ensuring Kanzi’s bonobo family members and human caregivers receive the care and support that they need. We ask for time and patience as we grieve the passing of our dearest friend, Kanzi.

Kanzi passed away on the afternoon of March 18th, 2025, at the age of 44. We are awaiting necropsy results, and we will be updating everyone once we know more. Kanzi was his normal, happy self that day and did not exhibit any signs of discomfort or illness. He foraged for his breakfast and spent the morning chasing Teco through the tower. After enjoying enrichment surprises in the greenhouse, Kanzi and Nyota laid down for a grooming session. Shortly after, the staff noted that Kanzi was unresponsive. Upon examination, Kanzi did not have a heartbeat or any evidence of respiration. Although we will not know the cause of death until we receive the necropsy results, Kanzi was being treated for heart disease, and he participated in regular ECGs and blood pressure monitoring.

We have been working with Wildstar Films on an exclusive documentary about Kanzi’s life and the impact he has had on the world. We will share more details as we are able, and we thank you for your support during this extremely difficult time. In memory of Kanzi and all he did to teach people about endangered bonobos, we have started the Kanzi Bonobo Fund. This fund will ensure the lifelong support and care of Kanzi’s bonobo family members: Elikya, Nyota, Maisha, Mali, Clara, and Teco. Please consider a donation in loving memory of Kanzi.