Education Zone

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Welcome to the Ape Initiative Education Zone! We believe in fostering students’ interest in science and conservation through the study of animals. On this page, you will find links to educational content that is either directly related to ape behavior, cognition, and conservation or that utilizes these animals to foster a deeper interest in broader scientific concepts. We understand that one of the challenges that educators face is meeting the requirements of their state standards and core curriculum, as well as providing engaging content that captures students’ interests. For these reasons, you will find links for educators that focus on lessons that cover core areas of curriculum and are aligned to NGSS standards. Additionally, there are links for parents and curious students of all ages that cover topics directly related to apes and conservation. Most of our current lessons are geared toward younger learners. Please check back frequently for updates as we add more content for high school students!

Curious about careers working with animals?

A group of high school students from the School for Science & Math at Vanderbilt University interviewed professionals working in fields related to animals and conservation in order to highlight some careers that you might not have considered.

Click on the video below to learn more about one of these fun and interesting careers working with animals.


Want to learn about more careers working with animals?

Head over to our YouTube Channel to hear more interviews with other professionals.

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Bonobos and Chimpanzees

What are the differences and similarities between bonobos and chimpanzees? Learn more about our closest living relatives! This page is for parents and curious students of all ages.

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Bonobos and Other Primates (Grades K-5)

What are the differences between monkeys and apes? How do scientists name primates and other animals? This is an Elementary Science Lesson. Download the Lesson Plan here.


Bonobos and the Scientific Method (Grades K-5)

What are the steps of the scientific method? Conduct an experiment with bonobos, graph your results, and share them with your community! This is an Elementary Science Lesson. Download the Lesson Plan here.


States of Matter (Grades K-5)

What are the different states of matter? Is the bonobo eating a solid, liquid, or gas? This is an Elementary Science Lesson and Elementary Science Olympiad Event - Solid, Liquid, or Gas! Download the Lesson Plan here.

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Ecosystems (Grades K-5)

What is an ecosystem? How does energy flow through an ecosystem? This is an Elementary Science Lesson and Elementary Science Olympiad Event - Wildlife Safari! Download the Lesson Plan here.


Bonobo Anatomy and the Circulatory System (Grades K-5)

How similar is a bonobo heart to a human heart? How does blood flow through the heart? This is an Elementary Science Lesson and Elementary Science Olympiad Event - A is for Anatomy - Circulatory System! Download the Lesson Plan here.

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What Went By? Part 1 (Grades K-5)

Why do we track animals? Can you identify different animal tracks? This is an Elementary Science Lesson and Elementary Science Olympiad Event - What Went By? Part 1! Download the Lesson Plan here.

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What Went By? Part 2 (Grades K-5)

Can you identify different animal scat? This is an Elementary Science Lesson and Elementary Science Olympiad Event - What Went By? Part 2! Download the Lesson Plan here.


Enrichment at Ape Initiative (Grades 6-8)

How do zoos and sanctuaries keep animals from getting bored? Do animals need to be entertained/stimulated? Create your own enrichment toy! This lesson is for middle school students and was developed with the help of high school students from the School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt - Maya, Emi, and Seth! Download the Lesson Plan here.


Science at Ape Initiative (Grades 6-8)

What kinds of animal research are conducted at Ape Initiative? How does husbandry training keep animals cognitively engaged? Practice training a “bonobo” without verbal communication! This lesson is for middle school students and was developed with the help of high school students from the School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt - Maya, Emi, and Seth! Download the Lesson Plan here.


What is Behavioral Husbandry? (Grades 6-8)

What is operant conditioning in behavioral husbandry? How does the Ape Initiative use positive reinforcement to train the bonobos? Take part in an injection training activity where you will learn how to administer subcutaneous and intramuscular injections on an orange! This lesson is for middle school students and was developed with the help of high school students from the School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt - Maya, Emi, and Seth! Download the Lesson Plan here. Check out Lesson 2 for a special medication delivery activity!


Experimental Design (Grades 6-8)

What are the steps of the scientific method? How do engineers and scientists solve problems? Take part in an experiment to find out what kind of fruit the bonobos at Ape Initiative like best and then try to design your own experiment in a group challenge! This lesson is for middle school students and was developed with the help of high school students from the School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt - Maya, Emi, and Seth! Download the Lesson Plan here.

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