Advancing STEM Education

We are dedicated to creating inclusive educational opportunities in STEM for underrepresented youth. Early childhood success and education are the foundation of a thriving community. Research has shown that early STEM experiences and problem-based learning activities positively impact student engagement and success, and narrow the scientific achievement gap. The National Academy of Sciences has demonstrated that children with low levels of scientific achievement have a harder time understanding public policy and have lower employment rates than children with higher levels of scientific achievement. Ape Initiative supports student success by providing children and adolescents with immersive STEM experiences and by ensuring educators have curricula and lessons to scaffold student learning. Together, we can inspire a diverse generation of innovators and problem-solvers.


Immersive Classroom Visits, Student Outreach Experiences, and STEM Fairs

Bonobos are an endangered species of Great Ape with as few as 15,000 - 20,000 individuals left in the wild. That is why we have developed a scientifically grounded education program to promote conservation and environmental stewardship. We work closely with schools and educators to provide our facility and unique population of bonobos as a resource for K-12 and undergraduate STEM initiatives. Each year, we reach thousands of students by hosting educational groups and through virtual classroom experiences. Through these immersive STEM experiences, students gain a deeper respect for our closest living relatives and a better understanding of their place in the natural world. At Ape Initiative, we are inspiring the next generation of scientists and educators - one connection at a time!

Free STEM Lessons for K-12 Students and Lesson Plans for Science Educators

We believe in fostering students’ interest in science and conservation through the study of animals. On our Education Zone page, you will find links to educational content that is either directly related to ape behavior, cognition, and conservation or that utilizes these animals to foster a deeper interest in broader scientific concepts. We understand that one of the challenges that educators face is meeting the requirements of their state standards and core curriculum, as well as providing engaging content that captures students’ interests. For these reasons, you will find links for educators that focus on lessons that cover core areas of curriculum and are aligned to NGSS standards. Additionally, there are links for parents and curious students of all ages that cover topics directly related to apes and conservation.

Science Bound Summer Internships, Independent Research Projects, and Conference Presentations

Join us in empowering the next generation of scientists and researchers through our Summer STEM Education Outreach Experience. Partnering with Science Bound, the Ape Initiative summer program offers an immersive journey into the world of conservation and animal sciences. Students learn from and alongside experts in the field to gain essential skills for conducting animal research. Students have the opportunity to engage in research projects receiving guidance from experienced scientists and educators through a highly scaffolded approach to scientific research. Students also receive coaching to prepare them to present their research projects at state and national STEM competitions.